Monday, February 8, 2010

God Help me !!

According to Einstein,"Insanity is doing the same things repeatedly but expecting different results !!".I don't know about others but if he was alive to see me today,at least he could have opted me for real life example on his demo!
I don't know man,why these stuffs keep on happening with me.I mean now I feel I let them happen and so they happen.
From the time when I was 4 or 5,I hated going to any cultural events unless and until I was participating (though that too used to happen after a lot of murderous mayhem from my parents..).
Time passed away.When I became cultured (my mom's version) i.e when I grew up,this particular thing was still something that I couldn't bear with..(you will say am a pervert..I know just shut up !).

Anyway it was again back on the stage of my life when I was on for the CDAC Cultural Evening("For Nerds" was implied I guess).

The panic struck me when I first entered the hall.There was a banner displaying the institute's name.Damn,trust me man,it was written in such a dumb way(Times New Roman..I tell you),I felt like shit right away.The program started with a lousy anchor who was more busy with the paper which he was reading from than what he was actually reading!! The dumb don't even had the sense that he should leave the podium during a performance.All he could manage was grin at the audience and watch things on the stage from the stage!!
The worst part was yet to come.With Omar in the backstage,me and Nair decided to take a backseat just infront of the faculties( realised the side-effects later with a dead event..Rohan,my cam buddy :( ..ok frgt it ).

The show was on and on ! After like hundred songs,I almost dozed off when on a sudden, a dickface came on the stage and decided to read fishponds.Now this was worse.Man they read one after the other (obviously in some encoded incomprehensible matthi) and people laughed there guts out!! Even Nair sitting next to me was laughing! Man what's up?? (Ok,later I came to know that one was on me !! Shit! )

There were a lot.From a idiotic drunk cameraman (I doubted ),awful hosting,pathetic matthi songs,hopeless fishponds,worthlessly dressed chicks(Me and Nair's last surviving hope),the evening turned out to be pathetically my only worth-remembering day(that too not by my wish) in the 6months marathon.

Let me tell you this was not me to go.I sort of knew that,you know.It was Nair who gave me some of his shitty logics (even he did that the day before) and Omar's performance that made me go there.I mean who goes into these nerdy cultural outbursts(that's the word) where dumb faculty's run around hooting audience to maintain a lecture-hall ambience when a guy is giving out his guts on the stage !! Its shit man,trust me..I am atleast honest on that.If you were there you could have realised how I sacrificed my Gypsy hangout for watching those screwballs.It's never worth it,trust me people..

Friday, February 5, 2010

Idiotically Interesting,I know

Relationships,hmm,I think God was never serious about that for me..from the very first day when I felt the touch of love ( though now I say infatuation), things went wrong for all my efforts in some uncanny way with inexplicable incidents!! No matter where I was and what phase of my life I was counting.

I sometimes feel there was a strong discussion in between Gods before my birth about this critical issue.Though I even doubt if at all the issue of sending me on earth was unanimous decision of them,but keeping that apart..I am atleast confirm about the relations' episode ( you can read love episode if you really want). When it came to be decide on the future relationship-status factor,there was a huge hue and cry over the hall resulting from different un-unified opinions ! The result was that the project leader was so disgusted and confused at the same time that while filling the final fate-form for delivery,he either forgot to check the checkbox against love in the form or else he scraped away the column in the outcome of these happenings.

And so congrats,here I am with a large grin on my face pushing the love cart on this damn earth one after another all in vain !!

I mean I know it was not all about them. Yes surely it could have been better if they really wanted but feeling the real situations and given it was me,the timing issues(poorly called chance and hopelessly called luck) things were never perfect. Thus the rolling of dough for the bread was always undone some or the other way !

From unbaked relations to half-baked and sometime too baked to consume,the story of sour relations had somehow became my fate and the status of being single,sometime or the other went on.It was never that I was always dying for something,I mean someone :) and was always moaning over that,but it really made me low when I saw the increasing count and evidently,my status quo! And even today,I am same as usual in the middle of the puddle after another shitty tale,still hopelessly running for the better someone.This is nothing that you call justice :( !