I am goin to flunk! I am goin to flunk! I am goin to flunk!I am goin to flunk!I am goin to flunk!I am goin to flunk!I am goin to flunk!I am goin to flunk!I am goin to flunk! wait..
Damn,its not possible.If I fail,damn..am a dead man.But I know the fact..
I am goin to flunk!I am goin to flunk!I am goin to flunk!
yes I am goin to flunk!
Damn exams! It seems like they never forget you! They never let it so easy,I mean you always have to prove yourself..what the hell!! I know how much I knw those damn papers..why do I prove it to you..go fuck idiots!
Wherevr you go,these damn things are always with you.What will happen to me if I flunk?? The problem is its a CDAC xam,so definitly you are goin to get screwed! yes,but i think..no..nah no chance.I have failed,i mean i will. O wait..Shit..there's another problem.I even don kno wat will happen to me if I fail.
i am crying (O God evn this wll not help!! )Its total mess now,my brain is dead and tomorrow I will be dead.
Guys,do inform my home.I am dead..
Friday, January 22, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Partial Insomnia or whatever!!

The thing is that I have observed a fact,rather an idiotic fact to be precise..Whenever I eat something,whether its morning breakfast,or a meal or a lunch or any damn thing, I feel sleepy.It doesn't matter whether you are on a bike or a seminar!!But that's not the end.The funniest part is that it happens with me in all case execept MY DINNER ( Grrrrr!! Don laugh I tell you !).
I know its a sort of nonsense nocturnal behaviour,but I cant help it.It ended up like this ,I sleep all day(dont forget my CDAC classes)..and wide awake all nite! Why?? Cause I dont feel sleepy after dinner.Now its not that I always sleep only when I feel sleepy.But the problem fires badly when you lay on your bed for 3 hours at a stretch at night and you find you are still badly,wide awake!! Ok even that can be handled if you really want to know.But the real problem occurs,when you are asked for a presentation infront of 180 matured people (not to mention,all of them wide awake) and you go to sleep infront of all laughing idiots,that too standing !! Shit!!
God help me!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Hope this time will pass away!

When I had all that I wanted to say
The all I could do,the all it could have been done
The all of thoughts that never took a turn!
I had run,I had run
Ran a long way,to be with one
Ya there was a time,I was with you
The touch of your lips..
I had felt the angels
It burned,it realy burned like the fire
This burning desire..
I heard the tongue of angels
It was colour everywhere..
It was life throughout!
I donno why,now it feels old
I have lost the touch
May be the way I used to be!
The days the Time
The life,the vigour,may all have gone
O Ya,I promised not to change..
to the time that was destined to come;
Today though it seems all is the same
The air the water the wind feels same
but I know
We have lost our move
our way to live,our way to life!!
May be this day will also pass away,
May take me to the time I relish..
I pray to god,for the sake of life,for sake of You
Do return my days,the time,the feel I used to feel!!
Friday, January 8, 2010
A page from my fictious diary I am working on!
"With 12pracs in a session,you need minimum 10 performed..you know that right??"
The piece of shit was looking into my eyes.I felt like kicking his balls..
"Yes Sir"
"So do you know how much you are upto?"
"Its three sir,but I can still manage sir,i just need an extra lab Sir"..damn i was sweating like hell;
"Listen boy I am not letting it that easy,dont try to fool me around.."
The PCE has finally decided to fuck my final sem by detaining me from the pracs for the sem.It seems like pretty gory right??Damn,its neither a novel nor a movie,I tell you.Its a reality I was upto..
"Sir please Sir,I need an extra class and I can make it"
"Come on boy do you think those guys are fool who did the 12 damn practicals in 6 months and now yo are asking me to do that in 1 day!!"
Yes sir it was,I thought.The old ass was getting on me
"Well sir,do i have any other way round??"
I am a bastard I tell you.In any other case,this could get me rusticated from the insti,but I knew this dumb ass..he will fall for it.
"What do you mean boy?"
"Sir,like I worked for those college fests (When did I work,shit !) and all you know and..like those Teacher's day celebs(damn) and like magzine(I hardly know when it got published )..Cant I have something for you and you consider my conditions and you know,I can manage my pracs,I have been good and consistent in your lectures(33% attendence,I remember) and you can reconsider everything and then I can go for the uni exams,its Final sem Sir and you have so much power in your hands and.."
hehe,long list eh?
I was chewing his balls,I tell you!
He gestured me to shut up.The screwball was thinking something.And then he came out in his deadly best..
"You seem clever",he searched out some damn files from his desk and was opening a piece of paper..
"Sir can I get you something..you know..and you lemme go"
..the delivery was sudden from me and even I was surprised by my own guts for offering an academic bribe to a mongoose of 60years!!I am a genius!
"Hmm,interesting,you read my heart boy..listen..",
He was scratching his groin (shit! Sometimes I wonder how can people scratch their groin while thinking!! Anyway,I was startled by his words and so looked away from his private place)
"..it seems like it was your group,I mean you who took like 5grands from my committee,I mean Tele-Era (damn his committee,damn his guts) for some occasion and you dint refund..and so you know I can.."
"..sir so you say I pay it now for my pracs !?! but Sir,that was granted fom the department and I have.."
..my head went tizzy,I could not imagine! my own plan backfired badly..
"..arre,dont worry,in that case you can come for the winter exams,there will be a lot people like you to accompany you! It will be fun,I think"..he was smiling more and scratching more!
That was the worst hit,that came with a thought of getting a degree 6months after my friends,and my company..forget it !!(Well i mean,they will forget me for sure :( )
Well what happened after that is a crazy story of nuts and perverts.May be I have some other time for that.For now,its late.Bye people,will catch up with you some other time,when I read you my diary..hehe :)
The piece of shit was looking into my eyes.I felt like kicking his balls..
"Yes Sir"
"So do you know how much you are upto?"
"Its three sir,but I can still manage sir,i just need an extra lab Sir"..damn i was sweating like hell;
"Listen boy I am not letting it that easy,dont try to fool me around.."
The PCE has finally decided to fuck my final sem by detaining me from the pracs for the sem.It seems like pretty gory right??Damn,its neither a novel nor a movie,I tell you.Its a reality I was upto..
"Sir please Sir,I need an extra class and I can make it"
"Come on boy do you think those guys are fool who did the 12 damn practicals in 6 months and now yo are asking me to do that in 1 day!!"
Yes sir it was,I thought.The old ass was getting on me
"Well sir,do i have any other way round??"
I am a bastard I tell you.In any other case,this could get me rusticated from the insti,but I knew this dumb ass..he will fall for it.
"What do you mean boy?"
"Sir,like I worked for those college fests (When did I work,shit !) and all you know and..like those Teacher's day celebs(damn) and like magzine(I hardly know when it got published )..Cant I have something for you and you consider my conditions and you know,I can manage my pracs,I have been good and consistent in your lectures(33% attendence,I remember) and you can reconsider everything and then I can go for the uni exams,its Final sem Sir and you have so much power in your hands and.."
hehe,long list eh?
I was chewing his balls,I tell you!
He gestured me to shut up.The screwball was thinking something.And then he came out in his deadly best..
"You seem clever",he searched out some damn files from his desk and was opening a piece of paper..
"Sir can I get you something..you know..and you lemme go"
..the delivery was sudden from me and even I was surprised by my own guts for offering an academic bribe to a mongoose of 60years!!I am a genius!
"Hmm,interesting,you read my heart boy..listen..",
He was scratching his groin (shit! Sometimes I wonder how can people scratch their groin while thinking!! Anyway,I was startled by his words and so looked away from his private place)
"..it seems like it was your group,I mean you who took like 5grands from my committee,I mean Tele-Era (damn his committee,damn his guts) for some occasion and you dint refund..and so you know I can.."
"..sir so you say I pay it now for my pracs !?! but Sir,that was granted fom the department and I have.."
..my head went tizzy,I could not imagine! my own plan backfired badly..
"..arre,dont worry,in that case you can come for the winter exams,there will be a lot people like you to accompany you! It will be fun,I think"..he was smiling more and scratching more!
That was the worst hit,that came with a thought of getting a degree 6months after my friends,and my company..forget it !!(Well i mean,they will forget me for sure :( )
Well what happened after that is a crazy story of nuts and perverts.May be I have some other time for that.For now,its late.Bye people,will catch up with you some other time,when I read you my diary..hehe :)
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Dont make a view from that !
The noise was taking on me badly and I was desperately craving for some cold air.I went near the edge,someone was sitting by the parapet,I cant figure it out,damn..my senses are working to their lowest best !! I felt a wry smile coming to my face deep from somewhere inside my guts.
It was Saiki siting on the edge.I went and sat by him.He looked at me siping beer from the pint..
"So how's going dude?"
We looked at each other for a while and then I started laughing.It was like gas coming out of those softdrink bottles,with enoromous pressure and haze when shaken vigorously! Even Saiki started laughing.He dropped from the wall,was laughing his guts out,and rolling on the ground.
"Damn ..m man.."..Again the roll of laughter continued..
"No listen ...man I cant..",we wre laughing and laughing
"Fuck Its too hard to keep your eyes open"..I was laughing like a mad man,I tell you .The grass was finally on its high.I thought I need to stop laughing,else I am definitely going to die.I took the beer bottle(Saiki was still laughing) and went to the other corner.
Ujjal was trying to do something with the mobile,but I can bet even he was struggling to figure out things!
"What's up,sitting alone ?"
"Fuck man,I cant keep my eyes open.I think the sticks were too tight"..
"you still think..?? ",and here it goes,I started laughing again.I was feeling helpless.I felt I was trapped in an endless loop of some insane feelings that were going on and on and on.Half of my brain was trying to stop laughing,but they were useless,I was not to stop.I was now sure that I am going to die tonight,confirm.
Suddenly my throat started choking."I need water",There was a huge lump in my throat.
Ujjal passed me beer instead of water(fucker !!),I gulped as much I can.
Now this was the craziest part for me.May be this was the first time of my life,I really wished to die.The lump in my throat now slightly went down abit but again got stuck in somewhere in the pipes.The worse part was that I could feel every inch of my foodpipe now,and the lump going down and down,slowly,very slowly.It was passing between my lungs,it was somewhere beneath the cage,was about to reach the stomach,but still not going down.Damn slow,very slow..shit man.It was the worst thing I ever felt ! The high of grass was far more worse than alcohol.It comes with a physical discomfort that can even make you wish to die,trust me.
We somehow managed to comedown to the flat,Ujjal and me supporting mutually I guess.The good thing was that I could rely on him,cause something inside me told,he was not that out,but his eyes denied every single bit of my thoughts.
Down in the flat,as we came down,it was all smoky throughout.It was funny,the music and the noise seemed to me coming from far away as they show in movies.Everything was blur,and I had to strain my eyes,sometimes even brain to figure out people..My brain denied to work,all I could manage to think was..damn what a way to start a new year,and guess what,I was laughing again..
When I opened my eyes ,it was 2in the noon,the 1st of Jan 2010.
I said happy New year to myself..
Actually,while surfing the net,I could see people uploading pics for their New Year bash,joyous faces hugging each other,may be a glass of wine(the only one they drank in their whole life !),girls everywhere and all.even some people went a step ahead for trips on the first day of the year spending huge bucks making a huge start for the season.
Well,anyways I also just wanted to share up my crazy night with my crazy friends,hoping for an all crazy new year.There were lot more idiotic things but that's all for now.Happy New year guys.Hope you like it..
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